Level Name: in the Far North... Theatre: SNOW Map: 96*96 Type: MULTI-PLAYER, 2-6 players Starting Points: 6 Author : Jaakko Nenonen E-mail: enenonen@oktasys.fi Tested On: RA95 v1.04 Build Time: 18 hours Know bug's: Once when I was testing this map There appeard Text "Mission accomplished" without any reason and game ended. This has not happened thereafter. When you start game Red alert informs "the scenario is corrupted"t but this is not serious. Author's Note: At last this demanding job is finished! You should know that this is not an ordinary map. In addition to structures Ive managed to put anti-vehicle mines (alltogether 180 pcs!) and exploding barrels. Also bridges are more durable, orefields grow faster and crates seem generate far more faster! And what kind of crates? Well, You have to check it yourself! Description: A great river streams through the landscape and cross the river there are several bridges. Civilians have captured the river. That is why the connection between players is broken if bases are situated at both sides of the river. You have to be ready to fight for a long time at field, which is heavily mined. Mobile Construction Vehicle will explode of one mine only. Dont lose it.. PS. If you want to create similar maps, download my Specialmap-Guide. Comments are very welcome to enenonen@oktasys.fi Enjoy! :)